A Summary of the Big Successes of COP23 (COP23 Day 6)

I have spent the past few days blogging about my daily reflections from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 23rd Conference of Parties. But for my last blog post on this event, I figured it might be nice to explain what exactly it is that happened there. What did the UNFCCC parties accomplish? […]

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Imposter vs. Initiate: Reflections on my role in this COP (Day 5: COP23)

Have you ever heard of imposter syndrome? It is a condition of feeling out of place, feeling as though you are underqualified, underprepared in a given physical or social environment or situation. I have been experiencing intermittent ‘imposter syndrome’ ever since my first day at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s 23rd Conference […]

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This is not about the polar bears (COP23 Day 4)

I’ve been called a hippie and a tree hugger and a climate crank. Pretty much every name or stereotype that has been applied to an environmentalist has been associated with my name at one point or another. All because I study climate change. Now I think this is funny, so I often let them go […]

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The elephant in the room (COP23 Day 3)

I love elephants. Like a lot. I love them to come the degree that, I have adopted elephants in South East Asia. But, what I do not like is when there is an “elephant” in the room and everyone refuses to acknowledge it. Today that elephant is the issue of climate change migration. I spent […]

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