Climate Perspectives from COP24

Climate change is the major issue of our time. Peruse student multimedia about major issues and viewpoints. These projects were produced by students in the Climate Change and Society course and those who attended COP24 as delegates.

Cop-ing with a Changing Climate

Candelaria Bergero, an Emory graduate student in Environmental Sciences, share four days of  reflections from the second week of COP24:

Day 1: The City of Black Gold

Day 2: An Energetic Day

Day 3: Power to the People

Day 4: From the Ivory Tower

Renewable Energy Targets Video

Candelaria Bergero, an Emory graduate student in Environmental Sciences, interviewed activists involved in renewable energy initiatives and produced a video from her COP conversations. She discussed renewable goals with Bärbel Hön, a member of the German Green Party who was involved in the German transition to renewables, and Duncan Gibb, who produces the Renewables Global Status Report for REN21, an organization that has been tracking targets and regulatory policies since 2005.
